Science FAQ
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Science FAQ

What standards are the science items written to?

All science items in ClearSight are written to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

What is ClearSight Science?

ClearSight science is grouped like the NGSS—elementary grades (3, 4, 5), middle school (6–8), and high school (9–12). The Science subscription provides access to the tests in these grade bands. For more information on the content of the tests, see the Science Forms Table.

For assistance and further information, please contact the ClearSight Help Desk.

What is the structure of the ClearSight Science Interim forms?

The science tests contain a series of items clustered around a common stimulus. The stimulus material appears on the left side of the screen with the items occurring on the right side. This is the same layout that exists for reading passages and items. Many of the items on the science forms have multiple component parts. As such, these forms require students to dive deeply into the central NGSS that the form is based upon.

The Earth Science, Life Science, and Physical Science domains are all represented at Elementary (Grades 3–5), Middle (Grades 6–8), and High School (Grades 9–12) levels. For more information on the number of forms available by domain, see the Science Forms Table document.